Amazon EC2 Benefits
- Elastic Web-Scale Computing: EC2 enables you to increase or decrease capacity within minutes, not hours or days. You can commission one, hundreds, or even thousands of server instances simultaneously.
- Completely Controlled: complete control of your instances including root access and the ability to interact with them as you would any machine.
- Flexible Cloud Hosting Services: You have the choice of multiple instance types, operating systems, and software packages.
- Integrated: Integrate with most of the AWS Services s3, RDS, VPC to provide a complete, secure solution for computing, query processing, and cloud storage across a wide range of applications.
- Reliable: a reliable environment where replacement instances can be rapidly and predictably commissioned
- Secure: EC2 works in conjunction with Amazon VPC to provide security and robust networking functionality for your compute resources.
- Easy to Start: You can use the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Tools (CLI), or AWS SDKs.
Steps for Launching/Creating EC2 Instance:
- Login and access to AWS services
- Choose AMI
- Choose Instance Types
- Configure Instance
- Add Storage
- Tag Instance
- Configuring Security Groups
- Review Instances
- Creating an EIP and connecting to your instance
This is the explanation of what is AWS EC2 and its Benefits.
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