Docker Engine Architecture and Stages of Containerization

In this Docker tutorial, we’ll explain Docker Engine Architecture and Stages of Containerization.

Stages of Containerization

  • Build – Docker file is build
  • Ship – Docker Image is ship
  • Run – Containers run

Docker file is also called as a blueprint of docker images.

Docker Engine Architecture:

Docker and the whole process of containerization revolve around three main components.

  • Docker Client
  • Docker Host
  • Docker Registry

Docker client:

Is the machine or medium through which we as users interact with Docker.

The two basic ways of interaction:

  • Docker CLI which stands for command-line interface
  • Docker API’s which stands for application program interface

Example for Docker Client

Docker  CLI

  • Docker run
  • Docker pull

Docker API

  • containers.list

Commands can be directly used client terminal, whereas API can be used to make some application talk to docker.

Docker Host

Is the machine which actually performs the task of containerization. It runs a program or a piece of software called docker daemon which listens to or performs action asked by docker clients.

  • Docker demon build docker file and turns into docker images
  • Docker file and docker Images can directly communicate with the docker daemon
  • Docker Images can be built from the docker file or they can be push or pull from the docker hub.
  • Docker Images are used to run containers
  • Docker Client and Docker Host are actually the same machines but the functions of docker client as a piece of software is limited to passing the user input and displaying output provided from the docker host

Docker Engine Architecture and Stages of Containerization

Docker Registry:

It serves as a place to store docker images and make them available to others

How does it work?

Docker Clients talk to docker daemon bi-directionally where it passes the request and receives the results whereas docker daemon and docker registry can talk bi-directionally to push and pull images.

Docker Engine Architecture and Stages of Containerization

This is the end of Docker Engine Architecture and Stages of Containerization.

Check this also Docker Tutorials